Whites are now defending themselves in USA!

This response is a result of feckless Democrat political leadership that was unprepared to deal with the rioting last night. This isn’t Portland.  The residents of Kenosha and surrounding areas of Wisconsin were not going to sit and watch the town be destroyed again in the manner it was last night.  The gunplay was inevitable given the seeming feeling of invincibility the rioters apparently possess.  The only sensible response to a person possessing a firearm who might object to my activity would be to retreat, and to not do anything to create a confrontation.  Instead, the rioters chase the guy with the AR-15, and when he falls down they converge on him in a pack.  What did they think he might do given that he came to the party armed?  Do they think he hadn’t thought through this scenario in his head? It’s clear the rioters had not.

There is a Body Count in Kenosha Tuesday Night — Armed Civilians Fire on Rioters Leaving Two Dead