Swedish Rape Victims

Numerous times in our website have we raised attention about the tragic discrimination the Scandinavians suffer in their own countries in all levels of social and political life from a regime that chooses to put the afro-asian immigrants above its own people.

Numerous times have we written about the Swedish, for example, contemporary egalitarian liberalism which has undermined the foundations of the Swedish nation by demoralizing the youth, suppressing and incriminating any manifestation of true patriotism, by importing and supporting millions of non-white immigrants and crashing any voice of resistance, by dismantling the nuclear family, by scorning religious values, by neutralizing the army and by selling out the traditional heavy industry and agriculture.

Numerous times have we written about the unprecedented oppression that the Scandinavians suffer when it comes to issues of race, ethnicity, identity and many times have we seen how Scandinavian nationalists are being attacked and prosecuted for their mere ideas proving thus that freedom of expression and civil rights apply to all BUT the patriots. Numerous times have we raised our fists and voices against the unpunished crimes the immigrant hordes have committed against the Scandinavian Folk but the news never stop to surprise us.

Earlier this month in Hammarkull high school in Gothenburg, Sweden a teenage girl was raped by one of her classmates in the school premises during school time! The asian rapist overpowered and sexually assaulted the young girl leaving everybody to wonder how is it possible that the supposedly safest schools in the world cannot protect their students from sexual attacks in broad daylight. The young girl’s family sold their house and moved away after the incident. The rapist Shivan Tofik born in 1992 (possibly of Iranian birth) received a penalty of 6 months under “ungdomsvård”, i.e. a rehabilitation institution for minors that looks more like a private college and a fine to be paid to the victim of approximately 8.000 EURO while his accomplish, Hadi Mahdi ,born1993 and of Arabic origin, who helped Tofik force the victim in the room where she was raped but left the room before the incident, fully aware though of what was going to happen, received a penalty of 30 hours of community service (!!!) and a 500 EUR fine.

Just a pull on the ear for the two thugs that traumatized and scarred the young Swedish girl for the rest of her life. Unfortunately the victim is not alone. Hundreds of Swedish girls are raped every year by immigrants making the streets of Stockholm and Gothenburg some of the least safe places in Europe! In many occasions feminist groups that are usually very loud and willing to support harassed and abused women fall silent when the perpetrators are proven to be non-white revealing their true political believes and exposing how dangerous they actually are.

The paradox that unfortunately never reaches the local or international media is that the all caring and all embracing welfare system that Sweden boasts about which is supposed to help and support the citizens through times of distress has left a huge gap when it comes to rape victims (90% Swedish, where the rapists are 90% non Swedish). Rape victims are advised by women support groups (public and private) to drop the case and not make a big deal about it for reasons of political correctness thus tolerating and encouraging more sexual assaults against Swedish women and becoming partners in crime.

Where are the famous Swedish feminists when young women are daily raped by blacks and asians? Why don’t all active citizens mobilize against this horrific atrocity as they did when the “Pirate Bay” website shut down and they couldn’t download movies and music for free anymore, a mobilization that led to the creation of the “Pirate” party and the election of its president to the European parliament in record time!

How many more Swedish girls have to suffer for the treachery of the government, for the inefficiency of the legal system, for the criminal silence of the media and for the thousands of non-European immigrants that DO NOT belong there.

The nations of northern Europe are being crashed in the fist of the New World Order’s anti-white methods and aims. ARMA expresses its solidarity to our kindred folk of Scandinavia and to our comrades of the North.