Eisenhower death camps

Eisenhower was directly responsible for the murder of around one million prisoners after the cessation of hostilities. His crime was never made public and he returned to America who thought he was a conquering hero and elected him as president.

Comparison should be done between the pictures of Auschwitz. See the videos on the POW camps of the Americans after WWII. German POW’s were stripped of their rights the Geneva convention grants to any POW in the world, by inventing the status of the “Disarmed enemy forces” (DEF) that had no rights whatsoever, and were starved to death (>1 million victims within months) in overcrowded cages of barbed wire without shelter or any other facilities at the Rheinwiesen (“…no shelter or other comfort…” !!).

The mere comparison of the pictures will be a sobering revelation for anybody of sound mind.

The videos about the US death camps:

Eisenhower\’s death camps 1 of 3

Eisenhower\’s death camps 2 of 3

Eisenhower\’s death camps 3 of 3