The White World In The XXI Century

The White World In The XXI Century

For all of us in ARMA the White World is not an ephemeral concept defined by modern social-political or national circumstances, not even a mere historical reality that binds folks and nations together because of their commonly shared historical route or because of their common cultural development. The White World as a universal phenomenon is founded and constantly inspired by its integral and Higher character, by its Racial Spirit, by the spirit of Aryanism which in its purest form is a manifestation of the Divine. The Aryan Spirit is the generator of religion, philosophy, science and art and on the same time the common Truth seeked by these four fundamental disciplines. In consequence any kind of thorough and profound analysis of the White World in past, present and future should be executed in close affiliation to this very Aryan Spirit that runs through and deeply characterizes the White World’s historical presence, as well as predefines its future, not prognostically or eschatologically but as the fullfilment of its Destiny.

The archaeological investigation has not yet given us the final evidence for the whereabouts of the primary land of origin of the Aryan people. This research is still pending and when the times are right it will be completed. A combination of clues deriving from various disciplines such as archaeology, history, linguistics as well as analysis of mythology, literature and oral traditions seem to pinpoint this common Aryan Fatherland somewhere in the Siberic North, where almost arctic conditions induced the Aryan Spirit to manifest itself purely, chiseling our forefathers in sharp, warrior-like features, endowing them with a solid character, typical of their presence through their marvelous wonderings to the remotest corners of the planet. From that initial legendary Fatherland, yet to be discovered somewhere in Russia, our forefathers set out to a massive migration, for as yet unknown reasons. The migration routes can be followed through scattered archaeological finds until more solid evidence, both historic and archeological, witness the early coming of the Aryans in geographical areas that were to be redefined and molded by themselves in India, Persia and Europe. Those “early arrivals” can be quite clearly portrayed, on the basis of archaeological and historical clues, as well as of sources of other peoples they encountered, which show massive waves of people with special characteristics that are common in all the areas and levels of expressions, allowing us to complete a clear image of these people. A primary and fundamental image of our forefathers. They were warrior like people, with a compound hierarchical social structure whith the priests (the wise) and the warriors standing on the top of this pyramid. A hierarchy deriving from the Cosmic Order and the corresponding notion of Duty for each Aryan individual, i.e. the spiritual, moral and practical duty, later to be defined as Dharma in the Indo-Aryan culture. These societies were structured around smaller patriarchic units, including family and kindred, bound inwards and outwards to each other and to the greater community by strong biological ties and by common spiritual and metaphysical background. Their corpus of their insights and beliefs were unique, incomparable to those of other races and with a unique inner unity and harmony. For them religion, philosophy and science were mere aspects of one and the same. They were, thus, not “followers” or “believers” but rather genuinely insightful initiates. Their conception of the Divine was Unity through multiple cosmic manifestations, a polytheistic hierarchy manifesting a multifarious monism, usually designated as Paganism.

These people were the early Aryans that spread throughout the planet as illuminating rays of a bright Sun carrying with them the most advanced and profound inner knowledge that would reshape the world – a wisdom as yet unequaled. Their outspread on the planet was extremely adventurous. In most cases they would be conquerors who, with their advanced organization, discipline and technique were usually unstoppable, despite their numeric disadvantage against all the people they came across. Their mark on the planet was civilization and culture. They exceeded in art and architecture, they laid the foundations of all true science at all levels and typically initiated many Golden Eras all over the planet. However their most exceptionally outstanding inner constituent were expressed through their metaphysical and religious intuitions and ideas. An authentically inner faith, a worldview true to the own freedom and self-consequence, a “cosmotheasis” (world perception) in constant proximity to the Divine, with the supreme goal of the unification of the personal soul and the soul of the Cosmos, the Atman into the Brahman in terms of the Indo-Aryan mystic Tradition. The European traditional-pagan religions are founded on this very Faith but the Faith itself was to become universal. The Indo-Aryan Vedism of the Northern Kingdom of India would be conveyed through Buddhism to the Asiatic-Oriental races and the Chinese Tao and the Japanese Zen would emerge. The same Faith would lay the foundations for Islamic mysticism, Sufism which emerged in the Arabic occupied Persia from the spirit of Zoroaster and the Christian mysticism surviving in the medieval Orders of Knights, the latter only being biologically related directly to the Aryans themselves. The Pagan faith of the European Aryans was to be violently swept off by Christianity, only to be slowly revived in modern times.

A cornerstone of our Worldview is the cyclic aspect of History as handed down by the early and classical Greek philosophers, the Neoplatonic revival of the deepest concentrated clear Aryan essence in medieval Greece as well as in England and Germany, the German romantics and later thinkers such as Julius Evola, Mircea Eliade, Savitri Devi, Oswald Spengler and others. Civilizations and cultures, empires and kingdoms rise and fall, bloom and decline; a fate that none of the historical Aryan cultures, or any other if that matter, escaped. It is of great importance to analyze and penetrate into the roots of the decline of the Great Aryan cultures. What happened? Was it social-political and economical changes that lead them there, was it violent wars, revolutions and natural destructions or was it mere Destiny? In order to answer these questions we must focus on some of these ancient cultures.

The great kingdom of Northern India, the civilization of the Hindu valley, was one of the most culturally productive Aryan civilizations. Myth and epics, poetry and mysticism and the essential teachings of the Vedas unified and regulated all aspects of social, political and religious life. The people who founded and later defended this kingdom were a numerical minority of Aryans into a dark world, the world of the Dravidians whom they conquered and absorbed into their own. In order to survive in that hostile environment they had to use constant military force and secure their cultural and biological existence. The interaction of these two opposing races and cultures was regulated by strict laws, the laws of Manu, and by a solid hierarchical social-political structure that prohibited the Dravidians to ascend the social pyramid, confining them in the lowest level, and forbid miscegenation with severe penalties, recognizing the ultimate fatal sin in the spoil of pure blood. This hierarchical social order created a civilization rigid enough to sustain any cultural invasion and it still exists in modern India as a system of Castes that regulates social and political life. Every individual is born in a caste and his life’s occupations and duties are determined by the caste he belongs to. That is why modern India is still called a racist nation by the Western World, where the term “racist” is falsely used to describe a social discrimination rather than aa inherent biological/spiritual one. In the case of the Hindu valley civilization the Caste system prevailed and persevered in the millennia but not the people who built it in the first place. It seems that under the mere pressure of numbers and by a minor but persisting racial bleeding the Aryans of India almost vanished under the numerical pressure of the Dravidians, leaving only a mere shadow of themselves in modern India visible in the lighter complexions of the Indians that belong to the upper castes in comparison with those of the lower ones. People who are now cultural heirs of that wisdom rather than biological.

The Hellenic world is a more complicated and more well-documented case. The climax of the ancient Hellenic-Aryan culture can be appointed to the Heroic era, so vividly depicted in the immortal epics of Heliad and Odyssey and the dramatic poetry of the great tragedians. The decadence of that culture had already set in on the threshold to known History, the transition to it from myth, only to be temporarily held off by the valiant cosmic spirit of the presocratic philosophers, the cultural elite of classical Athens as well as by the continual upholding of archaic values in Sparta, in Macedonia of Philippe and Alexander the Great – and, finally, by the spiritually visionary mysticism of the Neoplatonic philosophers. Certainly, the Aryan-Hellenic Spirit did repeatedly manifest through the turbulent and long history of the Hellenic nation – but, still, its high peak was clearly the archaic Heroic Era; while it is equally clear that in modern times we are reaching its exact opposite point of dissolution and falling apart of the last remains of the Hellenic Aryan culture, toward a complete spiritual and, consequently also, racial annihilation. The reasons for that are both internal and external. The external reason is the failure of this culture to defend itself practically and culturally. The opening to the Orient went on for many centuries and various Semitic and Asiatic religious and social-political systems infiltrated the already weakened Hellenic world. A cultural invasion that culminated during the Hellenistic empire of the successors of Alexander the Great brought the Orient inside the very heart of the Hellenic world. The complications of that era were greatly amplified by the gradual loss of its political and military might and the lack of spiritual leaders during 2 or 3 critical centuries, as well as the causal fact that the Hellenic Nation, being at that occasion unique in its potential ability to lead the spiritual fight and raise the banner of a full scale counterattack against the intruding Semitic Orient, was neither politically unified nor independent, due to the Roman rule. This is a very crucial remark for the whole insight, to which we must append the notice, that we have actually had a little later an exceptional instance of such an attempted unified central spiritual and political, at once, expression, when the Great emperor Julian rose the banner of Aryan Spirit, until he was stopped by the murderous hand of a Christian traitor from inside his own ranks.

However, the decline of the Hellenic world eventually came about, due to disastrous misconceptions and thinking systems that grew up within its boundaries. Symptoms of this especially evasive disease are already seen in Iliad, where proud Achilles detaches himself from the organic Community and decides to fight his own war, thus neglecting the authority of the highest king and ruler Agamemnon and manifesting a fatal vulnerability of his otherwise god-like character, that would erode the Hellenic world, not only on the bloodstained battlefields of Troy, but also consequently and increasingly throughout the historical era: that rebellious, titanic trait is egocentrism. The destructive power of egocentrism and selfishness is also conveyed by the symbolism of the Hellenic mythology as an entropic inclination that must be overcome by the hero, in order that he achieve his inner goal of unity with the Divine and the Absolut Self; that is the inner aspect of the war, often referred to as the Great War, following the Iranian tradition, more often also portrayed as Fight against Monsters, a constant Struggle for greater exploits that will raise them up to the Kingdom of the Gods, to the Spiritual Olympus. Egocentrism in this case has a two-fold meaning: A more practical one, rebellious to the communal Life and its organic constitution and, esoterically, a more profound one, that of getting absorbed by the outer, relative, intellectual and sensory self, contrary to the consciousness and alertness adhering to the Absolute Self. The first, practical aspect of egocentrism is a derivative of its inner, profound aspect; both of them found their way in the Hellenic world, until they became so powerful and decisive, that they inevitably lead to its spiritual and, consequently then, general decline. Egocentrism manifested itself in the communal life through intellectualism or Sophistry, leading to the relativistic mediocrity and mean self-indulgences of humanistic type in the pagan Hellenic world. Sophistry and intellectualism were fiercely fought by the leading spiritual teachers – and Platon was the standard bearer of this by then already uneven battle. Sophistry and Humanism initiated a process of dislocation of the spiritual focus from the holistic blooming of the racial community in constant proximity to the Divine, to the welfare of the self-deifying, more or less materialistic individual. These intellectual systems that commenced so long ago in the Aryan cultures and marked the beginning of the end of the ancient Hellenic civilization, in this case, are disorientating and confusing the White world even deeper and more thoroughly today; a world that is kept in spiritual constrain by yet another kind of monotheistic religious bigotry under intellectualistic disguise, that followed in the wake of the late, decadent Roman Empire.

In the late years of the spiritually moribund Roman Empire a newly furnaced and vaguely determined Judaic doctrine found its way to Europe: that was Christianity, which with its Judaic monotheistic doctrine and its shallow moralistic shortsightedness, illusions and hypocrisies, devoid of substantial virtue, has poisoned and deteriorated from within the Pagan ethos of the continent. Judaic-Christianity appeared as diametrically opposed to the spirituality of Paganism, completely devoid of true mythological content, of lively cosmic metaphor and analogy, with a scowling God that prevented at its germ any sincere, authentic attempt toward spiritual ascent and approximation, thus subverting the true divine potential of the human soul and spirit. Judaic-Christianity exploited the social-political circumstances of that era, as well as the religious and spiritual withering of the traditional pagan cosmotheasis (world perception) within the vast extent of the multicultural and imperialistic Roman world and enforced itself through time as the principal religion of the European world, violently imposed on its peoples through royal edicts, merciless persecution, occasional or systematic massacres and brutal intimidation and cruelties, always in the name of love.

Judaic-Christianity introduced materialism as an intellectual concept by degrading the timeless and inexhaustible mythos into a mere accumulation of historical facts, by transforming the traditional Aryan persuasion of a livelong struggle for approximation to the Divine into a spiritual dictatorship of Jehova and, finally, by reducing the Aryan apperception of Duty and fulfillment of the communal and racial Destiny down to an egocentric pathology of a sly eschatological Semitic bargain with Lord Jehova, who has prescribed the eventual conclusion of a linearly perceived History and a lifeless and godless Cosmos.

The Aryan spirit survived the rule of medieval Christianity and manifests itself through the selfless Ideals of Chivalry, the mystic Orders of Knights and through the enhancing of the European racial identity through its heroic struggle against invaders, primarily from East. Conflicts that have, unfortunately, had a negative impact on the racial integrity of the Aryan nations of southern and eastern Europe.

A flagrant revival of the Classical antiquity took place during Renaissance, failing though to revitalize the essence of the Classical Hellenic Aryan ethos and spirituality. On the contrary, most expressions of its art, music and philosophy focused on and deified the completely “humanized” individual, with a monumental negligence of the biologically and spiritually determined Community and its eternal Archetypes. Instead of reawakening the true European spirit, a rebirth of a sick Humanism came forth. Humanism quickly became identical to egalitarianism, which, after the French revolution, paved the way for democratic liberalism and mercantile imperialism, enhanced by the colonial capitalistic orientated activities of the Great Naval lands of Europe.

The discovery and colonization of the New World, America, could have been a very promising attempt to create a new Aryan civilization upon the true fundaments of genuine European Spirit. On the contrary, it has turned out that most of the extremely crabbed religious sects as well as the most essentially blind paragons of neo-intellectualism migrated there. From the very beginning the first immigrants were protestant fanatics, carrying along the most jewdified and anti-aristocratic, almost aggressive form of Christianity, accompanied by all those who were seeking for economic exploitation, parallel to the inherently hypocritical concepts of Humanism and Liberalism, Intellectualism and Rationalism: a fatally poisonous blend, that lead to the formation of modern democratic capitalism, so fundamentally opposite to the traditional Aryan aristocratic social-political and spiritual values. In Europe the same ideas resulted to democratic liberalism as well as to collectivistic communism, as the twin constituents of a practical materialistic jewish monotheism.

In the 20th century Europe democratic liberalism, capitalism and the decline of feudalism somehow resulted to the 1st World War, which reshaped the map of the world. A war with no underlying idealism to be evoked by the new democratic imperialistic European nations, seemingly in order to reorganize and divide the world into spheres of economical and political influence but with obscure underlying Zionistic manipulations. The reshaping of the European borders, violating fundamental ethnologic and geopolitical constants and conditions, inevitably favoured the outbreak of the 2nd World War – a War, on the other hand, systematically and insidiously pushed forward by international Jewry and its influential lackees. In this case the conflict was much more profound and essential: The Great War was a crash of fundamentally opposed Forces, Principles, Archetypes and ideologies, although the Aryan Archetypes of Fight and heroic sacrifice were also this time subdued to the directive purposes of their lethal Enemy. On one hand was the emerging vividness of the antidemocratic, anti-capitalist and anticommunist European national regimes which, inspired by the traditional aristocratic Aryan values were struggling to create a new, revitalized and awake Europe, through a profound revolution that would restore the Aryan Spirit, as the guiding beacon for the social, political and most importantly spiritual regeneration of the Aryan nations. On the opposite camp stood great colonial liberalistic and democratic forces well embraced with the communist regime of USSR, all together inescapably trapped in the machinations of Zionism that found a unique opportunity to deliver a lethal blow to its then arising and reconstituted antipode, Aryanism, by substantiating the most horrible and for the one part meaningless racial civil war, that would destroy the continent and lay the pavement for the rise of the Zionist-American New World Order, as it actually did.

The world as we see it today is a result of the triumph of those powers and qualities that came victorious out of the Great War 60 years ago.

After the end of the Great War the American military forces established themselves permanently in Europe in a semi occupational manner, officially legitimized through the creation of NATO. At the time NATO’s main role was the active coalition of the war’s victors into a military counterbalance against the communistic block at the East under the headship of USA. NATO evolved through the years parallel to the American political evolution, while its European subjects gradually gave completely in, in lack of inherent awareness and integrity, as USA completely overtook its steer, well assisted by the servile and ruthless character of Europe’s pretentious “political leadership”… Jewish USA has now become NATO’s absolute patron that drags its powerless “allies” in military adventures all over the planet, conflicts that actually are completely opposite to the true national interests of the majority of the participant allied forces.

In post war USA initiated a ruthless liberalization process that led to the creation of the capitalistic democracy which is a complete inversion of the traditional Aryan aristocratic political system. It is a brutal dictatorship of faceless financial multinational concerns which direct and manipulate the masses by flattering their illusive egoism and consuming avarice, promoting a sickly ego-pathology as their common pseudo-political and pseudo-spiritual principle, in order actually to uproot true Politics and true Spirit, mainly through the blithering influence of television, poisonous alien pop-culture and the Hollywood industry. The American political system, along with its false spiritual fundaments, has lead to the complete Jewdification of the American nation. USA’s external policy is entirely subdued to that of Israel, that always gets by far the highest percentage of annual financial aid and steers USA into military conflicts that clearly oppose the interests of the American people, following the prototype of the jewish complot for the American incitement of and intervention in WWII. At the same time Israel pays them back with impudent spy operations on American ground and with million of new enemies that detest USA only for its unconfined zeal for and subordination to the Jewish interests. However the Jewdification of America is not only practical but, much more fundamentally, moral, mental and spiritual. The subtly despotic modern capitalistic democracy is an aspect of the most totalitarian mammonistic uniformity that Jews introduced and imposed upon the White World, by means of extensive thought control – not only through properly political power, but mainly due to the total subjugation of the latter to the owners of economic means, which is also the ultimate meaning of democracy and capitalism as major order-reversing forces. America is governed by the Zionist lobbies in a manner that undermines every purity in thought and form, where everything is mixed and degraded, everything but Judaism which emerges day by day in its most radical and aggressive form without any protest or reaction by the utterly manipulated and mentally numbed American people. The rise of radical Judaism in USA, which is most vividly displayed in the images we see of Jewish rabbis surrounding the obviously imbecile American president and walking inside the White House as if it were their personal work office, is accompanied by a campaign of hate against the White population of America by the Zionists that control the media. A campaign that among other things lead to an increasing escalation of non-whites to financial and political positions of great importance which combined with their massive population growth will inevitably result to a total take-over of the world’s most powerful country by non-whites for the first time in history, with unforeseeable dynamic consequences. A genuine multicultural superpower driven by the malicious will and obscure plots of Zionism.

Unfortunately the Jewdification process of America has for many years now become international and been exported to Europe. The political Jewdification of Europe, which culturally set in with the introduction of Christianity, is thus the same as what is usually regarded as its Americanization. Politically it is made apparent through the institutions of EU and the United Nations that follow the American protocols of external policy as indisputable norms – especially those of direct Jewish interest. Socially the jewdification is observable by the massive invasion of the American empty-headed and anti-spiritual life-style subculture, while both are protected and enhanced by the despotic thought control by the merciless political correctness, that is putting up a political and mental barrier against any attempt of real national politics or mental recovery. The vehicle for the secure Americanization process of Europe is EU; the expansion of EU is thus identifiable as an expansion of the American and Zionistic sphere, which is why we observe the apparent “paradox” of a united Europe that aims at the incorporation of Turkey and Israel. Even more, the falling apart of the European nations is further aggravated by a well planned catastrophic inflow of non-white immigrants into their restricted boundaries, under the always moralizing auspices of the directing Pharisees of the United Nations. These immigrants belong to races and cultures that are almost impossible to integrate and feed on the welfare systems of the hosting nations. Those of Arabic origin and Islamic religion pose at the moment the greatest threat, as they are rigid and well organized groups, under the norms of Islam; they aim at the fulfillment of a very old ambition, that of the Islamic rule over of Europe, incorporating the anti-white hatred of the believers, as formerly attempted by Arabs and Ottoman Turks which are now about to be given land and water of our European Fatherlands without one shot. Even more the massive racial intermixing, most outspoken in America and Northern Europe, is weakening the integrity of the White World’s racial strongholds, preventing thus any substantial future reaction.

Some form of European unification through political cooperation and deeper understanding of our common cultural background is a vision we truly have; actually this is in itself an adequate fundament for a total and abhorrent rejection of both EU and NATO, which are deliberately agitating in a criminal and treasonous way against the interests and the perspectives of the White World, as limbs and tools of a Zionist political directory.

The rebirth of the White World can begin only in Europe through a genuine cooperation of the White nations based on our common racial background and our common philosophical and cultural fundament. A Europe that will include both the Western nations and Eastern-Slavonic nations whose historical interaction, positive ornegative, must be replaced by a real cooperation in a spirit of genuine Aryan brotherhood. The eastern Slavonic nations must now create a political and military counterbalance to NATO, in order to withstand the invasion of the American subculture and its political lackeys, as those in Ukraine recently, to claim their political independence and to protect their own cultural identity. The resistance of the Belorussian government against the attempted enforcement from outside of a democratization process of Ukraine-type, is such a paradigm – and its ongoing financial stability and development is a solid evidence that the welfare of a European nation does not necessarily require a membership in the EU.

We in ARMA believe that, in order to make a new world, we need new men. The profound political and social changes, the ones that will completely break the present status qvo, so as to give place for the White World’s real rebirth, cannot be achieved unless we attain the inner strength and clarity to rise up against it; unless we become living vehicles of the eternal Ideas and the cosmic Truths that inspire our struggle, at all levels in parallel. A radical re-definition of the political-social system is only possible after a shifting upwards of the spiritual and mental level, one that will open up for our peoples the way to liberation from the blind way of individualism and materialism, the two complementary pillars that support the frame of our spiritual imprisonment, the fundament of that intrinsic cowardice, that allows the meanest traitors continue their miserable destructive presence with the passive support of a pathetic egoistic mass of organically disconnected and mentally schizophrenic and bewildered sickly individuals. Unless we manage to bring up an elite corps of potential leaders, superior through their inner clarity, awareness and discipline, able to dare and fight where others flee and give up or compromise, we may as well forget all about it and become willingly part of the common falseness and selfishness. Only thus shall we be enabled to display to our people the essence of our racial and national identity – and how it defines who we are, as well as our future and destiny.

It will then be imminent to uncover the true, inhuman face of globalization and its disastrous impact on the planet, especially on the White people everywhere on it. These seemingly overwhelming, but uniquely determined as possibilities for our Freedom and for the fulfillment of our most genuine Duty at the same time, inspiring tasks, that are so clearly imperative for us as conscientious White men, demand a historically unprecedented scale of cooperation among us, primarily as groups and individuals that share common beliefs and aspirations, and hopefully in the future as nations united by common origin, common spirituality and, consequently, common internal and external enemies. Then also the present day full-scale miscegenation process will give place to an energetic ascent on our archetypically, racially determined heights at all levels in parallel, be it biological or spiritual, for the sake of realization of the noblest ideals and the most eugenic humanity ever.

Our nations should be reintroduced to the ancient Aryan spirituality and values in order to revive the traditional Aryan Ideal of a hierarchical social ordering, as a counterpart to the esoteric stratification of the several existential roles and levels, as the only safe and true criterion, which is exactly the political answer against the flattening and, eventually, inverting capitalistic democracy. Through the rebirth of true hierarchy and aristocracy as a spiritual and natural Ideal, we will create and ensure an analogous aristocratic political system and social reality, determined by the particular identity and inherent inclinations of each nation. This all-pervasive hierarchy will ensure the perseverance and development of our spiritual insights, that will lead to the perfection of our civilization as an inner imperative and the fulfillment of our national and racial destiny as an act of utter and perfected Freedom.

We conclude by stipulating our goal determination with our almost introductory words relating to our reference to the Great Emperor Julian:

Our ultimate is a unified central spiritual and political, at once, genuine expression, an upraise of the sacred banner of Aryan Spirit, to become ever more finely dominant, enlightening and liberating at all levels.

You are always welcome, all of you, to visit us in Hellas, for a more specific examination and pursuit of this goal. In particular, in our camp, during the last 4 days of next month (July).

Long live the high eternal Ideals of our Aryan Identity.