Convivencia and Propaganda

“Convivencia” is a Spanish word that means in direct translation coexistence, being together or better living together used to describe the era of medieval 13th century muslim occupied Spain when Spaniards, Arabs and Jews lived together in the urban centers of the Iberian peninsula under the rule of the Arab conquerors. Despite its neutral literal meaning it was recently very eloquently used in a well-filmed documentary of British production to describe the “peaceful” coexistence of these three folks and racial groups and express it as an achievement and even more as an ideal goal for the present and future coexistence of these people in modern Europe. This documentary was a very convincing piece of propaganda recently showed in television which, as usually is the case, neglected historical truth, disorientated the dull European audience (to which it was addressed), made false assumptions and iradical conclusions which undoubtedly were never noticed by the naïve spectators who once more fell victims of the “documentary’s” superficial seriousness, pompous language and thrilling scenery of medieval Spain. Our means of reaching people are very restricted but it is our duty to stand up to these lies anyway we can and never allow these poisonous filth unanswered anyway possible, and no means of response is “weak” or “inadequate”, only a non-response is such…

The documentary’s host was a black colored Arab of British birth with an impeccable Oxfordian accent and a stature such as modern society considers falsely a “scientist’s” stature,ie fatty, soft and ill trained, in an attempt to promote this non- European as a perfect example of integrated immigrant of second or third generation. The perfect man to propagandize “convivencia”. The host of course was as politically correct as possible and presented (or better accused) the Spaniards as anti-islam fanatics, intolerant dark age vengeful Christians were as the arabs were the wise peaceful art and science loving people who gave a mental boost to illiterate and blood thirsty Spain and whose great “contribution” to that country was never acknowledged. In his assistance were a number of carefully picked interviewees ranging from university professors to ex rock-band musicians that told him exactly what he wanted to hear.
Throughout the “documentary” the host’s desperate attempt to convince the viewers of the Arabs excellence in practical and theoretical science was more than obvious. He even said it openly himself that his people (anywhere else he would present himself as British but in this case the Arabs were his people) have been unfairly illustrated in history as carriers of knowledge and not really producers and that the western civilization would never stand were it stands now if it wasn’t for their philosophers, scholars and inventors. The European renaissance would never take place if it wasn’t for the literature loving Arabs that copied and saved patiently the works of the ancient Greek philosophers, the discovery of America would never had happened without the naval navigation instruments that the Arabs created and Columbus used, Spain would never had such beautiful castles and monuments if the Arabs hadn’t built them. How many more audaciously inaccurate lies can we tolerate in one hour…
The Arabs are known to have translated, copied and stored a number of texts of the classical Greek philosophers, it is a fact but its effect is very much exaggerated. The European spiritual rebirth or Renaissance that initiated mostly in Italy at the 16th century and marked the long process of transcending from the religiously restricted thinking to the humanistic era was caused by a number of factors having actually nothing to do with any sort of Islamic contribution. The great philosophical works of European antiquity were also copied (as much as ignored the fact is) in libraries, universities and monasteries in Europe, even though alone they were never enough to trigger this transformation of European thinking and mentality. These works were used to support that change but it was many political, social and religious factors that triggered it off and mostly the restless spirit of the Europeans that craved such a change. Nevertheless the Arabs themselves though they had and studied these works (as at least they claim) never managed to experience an analogous rebirth, an escape from the strict Koran religious oppression to a more liberal mental attitude, not even a first birth to begin with. On the contrary, religious oppression and anti philosophical mentality has been a fundamental aspect of the Arabic people up to the modern days and an important number of Arabic countries are still in the religious Dark Ages in a manner as strict and austere as it was 500 years ago! What happened to the great libraries of Baghdad and Damascus, where are those philosophers of Cairo? The truth is that the Arabic culture is the least philosophically and literally productive culture with very limited examples of bright spiritual individuals throughout its history, whose poor productivity in theoretical and practical works is only surpassed by that of the black race. Even if they had these texts they never reached or influenced their theocratic societies and they caused no kind of spiritual stimulant that would change their world to the better. A look at today’s Arabic countries is the most vivid proof and a look of the Arabic presence in modern Europe is the proof of the long tradition of these people to imitate and copy as their own the achievements of other cultures.
As far as those exquisite marine navigational instruments that helped the Europeans conquer the Atlantic ocean are concerned and which, according to the documentary, were created in muslim Spain by muslims there is much to debate. Actually I am surprised that the creators of the documentary dared to use such a claim. It seems that they have very well realized the unprecedentedly low degree of basic historical knowledge that modern Europeans have and presented these false facts confident that they would raise no frustration. The Europeans have a very long tradition in see faring and exploring. Our ability to overcome obstacles and adapt to demanding situations, to accomplish difficult tasks and missions is unic, and sea faring is no exception. The Greeks and the Romans were extremely capable in sea navigation and took their vessels in far places over hostile seas, a tradition that all the European people inherited and followed. Nevertheless there is strong evidence that the Atlantic ocean had been crossed before by the bald Scandinavian Vikings. The official historic crossing of the Atlantic ocean from Columbus and the discovery of America was an accomplishment based on a 4000 year old tradition and knowhow in marine navigation as well as a manifestation of the limitless capabilities of the restless and profoundly creative European spirit. A specific instrument, even if it was a loan, is never enough for the completion of such tasks. Heroism, creativity and a passion for exploring is what made the journey possible, and our people have those in abundance. On the other hand the Arabic people were never pioneers in marine navigation and sea faring, never even explorers. The reasons that made them sporadically embark on ships were trade and piracy, and for that they are really famous. If they really had discovered all that fancy equipment themselves why did they never use it, why did they never discover their America or West India or Australia. How can they claim as their own such craftsmanship when their presence in the history of sea faring is minimal, unproductive and utterly dull.
We can now focus on all those castles and monuments that the Arabs left behind in Spain. Some of them are beautiful indeed and have a certain degree of artistic quality but let us not forget that the Arabian monumental architecture, which is a manifestation of their collective mentality (the Racial Spirit) as every time-enduring national monumental architecture is, can hardly be compared or even more equalized to that of the European in both quality and quantity. Where the Arabs left a small numbers of such creations scarcely scattered in the lands they lived in the Europeans literally filled the whole world with them. Nevertheless, as previously mentioned, every architectural style is a manifestation of a certain mentality that expresses itself through the construction of simple residences to monumental constructions. A simple look will let you see the huge difference. The Arabic architecture is characterized from overdecoration, unnatural lines and a tendency to overwhelm the observer through its outer superficial plentifulness and richness where as the European architecture is simple but grant, solid and rigid, profoundly artistic, powerful and uniquely monumental expressed in various styles through many eras.
I do not want to sound very hostile. Actually I respect all non- European architecture that is artistic and beautiful but the issue here is not just a mere comparison. The issue here is that all these Arabic castles in Spain should mainly remind us of the islamic conquest of Spain that was done through fire and blood, the blood of thousands of Spaniards that defended their land and rebelled numerous times in order to send the savage conqueror back to Africa and out of their beloved land. The blood of the people who were slaughtered and enslaved when the followers of the Koran decided that it is time to take over Europe, the ultimate vision of all the barbarians who want to make something out of themselves. How can we neglect the destruction and pain that these “builders” caused to our people in order for the monuments of their victory and our defeat to decorate central hills over large cities as ghostly blood-covered Parthenons. How can we appreciate these monuments when the people who made them systematically tried to conquer the whole of Europa only to be finally stopped in the Pyrenees mountains from some brave and dedicated French knights and outside the walls of Vienna by the heroic Austrians. History does not forgive or forget and we cannot choose to close our eyes.
Throughout this grotesque “documentary” the arabic presence in Spain was presented as a totally natural and undebatable fact, as if the Arabs were, for some mysterious reason, the righteous owners of the land that were unfairly out casted by the vicious Spaniards! The bloody conquest and the tyrannic occupation that the people suffered were never even mentioned and if you hadn’t watch it from the beginning you would get the idea that he was talking about some country in the Orient that its people, the arabs, lost due to outrageous foreign agression…and this is certainly not the case.
The European and the Arabs are two totally different people, two different races and two different cultures that have endlessly struggled against each other ever since Mohamed preached the Koran and the islamic holly war against the infidels commenced. The hostilities never ended, they were never seized but only climaxed or faded in the historical circle. The conflict obeys to one and only universal law : “The strongest prevails”. The relationship between those two people is a fragile and tense balance that does not allow the ephemeral overtaker to rest. The moment one of the adversaries feels confident and relaxes his grip the other one takes advantage of it, pushes back and takes over for the moment, until one of them will be no more. We shouldn’t fool ourselves that modern islamic agreesion against the western world is caused because our intervention in their world. This is only a facade. The arabic people as any other non European looks to us as the fulfillment of their dream, as the golden price they have to conquer and as the last hope on an uncivilized world. Even if we would someday withdraw our business and troops from their lands, even if we helped them by any means reorganize themselves and live in a safe and balanced environment they would still be coming here either as conquerers holding a sword or as beggars seeking asylum and an easy life from our social welfares. Right now there are millions of Arabs living in the western countries and millions more dreaming of it. They seem to come in peace, they want to have a new “convivencia” but only because we are not trying to stop them, only because we our allowing our world to be completely overwhelmed by them because of our suicidal pseudo- humanistic perception that the winners of the Second World War inflicted so cunningly on us. If someday we try to deport them, if some day we try to put an end to this oriental flood, then they will show their real face and try to take what they demand violently, as they always did in the past.
This is the case and this is the lesson history must teach us. As conscientious Europeans we have a heavy duty on our shoulders, to defend our lands and heritage by any means, to rediscover our ancient Spirit and cast Light and Life on the world. Our very existence is threatened by those “poor” invaders that leave on our blood and the Arabs are at the moment the most threatening race that has settled in Europe, ready to take over when we eventually vanish and turn our beloved lands into islamic Saudi Arabias and Egypts. Allowing this to happen means losing a war that has been going on for centuries with en enemy that is now more dangerous than ever.